StarRisa's Blog

Jul 17, 2010 1:24 PM

I held tightly onto Toshi’s black kimono from behind as he protected me from the mass of glowing eyes that had suddenly surrounded us, their glowing white teeth grinning at us wickedly from blood lust as Ochimizu dripped down from there laughing open jaws

“Toshi...” my hand tighten in fear as they started creeping closer
“You don’t think....”
“ah. I know, we should have taken some cake quicker”
“I mean the punch!” My banged my head against his shoulder a sigh

Toshi paused
“ ... sou da na, there’s no mistaking it...taku.-mou.....”

Toshi looked around us slowly as if trying to confirm his suspicious. Even though the mass of eyes surrounded us was more-then proof to our deepest nightmares. The cold wind blew past us, blowing his lengthy hair back as his violet eyes narrowed in seriousness.

“There's no mistaking it.... Its Ochi-cola da....” Toshi slapped his forehead in frustration
“I thought Kazama called it Ochimizu...?”

“That idiot wouldn’t know how to name a dead horse if it sat on him.
It was found in a cola bottle, thus, from this day on, it will be ochi-cola da ze!”

“You call that a name?” Okita asked in a low husky tone

Toshi looked to see okita's head slowly turning on the spot.
His red eyes glowing back at us
“It should be called blood....”

“Ah!! your blood, as I could really go for some right now!!!”
“Ano na souji.....”

“haiiiii...” Okita let his cup of ochi-cola fall to the floor, the contents seeping into the grass with bubbling sounds
Toshi grinned sharply,

“na souji......hold still... for just a minuet”
Okita grinned in anticipation but as swiftly as the wind Toshi swiftly pulled out his flashlight smacking Okita clean against the head causing him to fall hard on to the floor with a giggle.

“Toshi?!! I asked just as Okita had hit the grass with a dull thud
“RUN FOR IT!” he bellowed

Just as the sky suddenly blacked into darkness, the mass of glowing red eyes sped forward, but because of the chairs, everyone started to dog pile upon each other as they scrambled fanatically; screaming in hysterical laughter trying to get at us.

My hand was starting to shake knowing they were barely feet away from grabbing onto us when suddenly, Toshi lifted me up in to his arms; causing me to yelp from the shock of being thrown over his shoulder and without warning, Toshi looked around to plan a course, he was surrounded and thanks to being pushed back earlier in the fight for the punch, we’d found ourselves in the center of the mass of chairs.

He grumbled in frustration as he gripped his flashlight.
“Toshi!!!! I screamed as Heisuke came running at me from behind, sano-tan and sano-tan 2 being dragged upon both arms as he charged at us.

Toshi span around and landed the flashlight at the top of Heisuke’s head, causing him to land upon the floor, the mass of red eyes saw this and they all screamed in defense of one of their fallen leaders, Toshi cringed as they all flew at us even faster.

“Ah kuso!!”, Toshi held onto me tighter as he started fighting off the demons down the with his flashlight; sharp hands and ear splitting laughter within the air as they frantically grabbed for us. Toshi was starting to feel like we were about to go under when sano appeared from under the cake, his sake bottle swinging in his hand caused a few of the guests to be knocked out.

“Ah wari na”. He apologized to the 5 guests crying on the floor while trying to suck the ochi-cola out from the grass.

Toshi sighed in defeat upon the animal like state it was turning everyone into..
“Harada ka?”
“Aw Hijikata-san?!”

The red eyes all stopped to see the stand off between the mortal enemies before the 7-tear cake.

“na....Can’t you just step aside, just this once?”
Sano grinned

Toshi thought for a moment as he watched the mini crowed of red eyes waited in anticipation, some playing on PSPs to ease the boredom, some attacking pandas cake in dominance over the iced mountain.

“Sano-san yo......”
“Heisuke wa nanda?”
Toshi smirked as he looked in the direct of slain Heisuke just a few feet away
Sano’s vivid red eyes followed Toshi’s to see Heisuke on his back with sano-tan 2 within his arms for protection.

“HEISUKE!!!!!!! Snapping out of his glare, Toshi took off as sano ran for Heisuke upon the floor.

Toshi scrambled with a roar as we finally made it away from the crowed, but just as we were about to run from the garden, Toshi stopped we heard Risa screaming at the other side of the garden nearest the house as saitou and panda had her cornered against the wall.Their open hands clawing at her as they edged closer to her.

But before Toshi could make it towards her, Okita suddenly popped out from amidst the pile of limbs.

“OI!!! HAJIME KUN!!!??!!” Saitou instantly turned around to the direction of Okita’s voice, but his deep eyes widened in horror to see a huge-heavy-black and white object flying at him like lightning just moments before his world went black.

I watched in pure shock as Okita was stood laughing in triumph as he had thrown his panda-head towards impending death known as saitou.

“Risa’s mine to threaten! Don’t forget that!!!”
Panda fell to the floor cradling a smiling-unconscious saitou in her arms as Risa made a run for it.

Toshi shouted furiously over the screaming guests between us.
We were still a far distance away as we had to go around the outline of the garden.

“NO!! RISA COME TO ME!!!!!” Okita called with a dark alluring smirk upon his face
Risa turned and stopped in hesitation as Okita beckoned her with his hand like a beckoning neko from the other side of the garden.

“RISA DON’T GO TO HIM, HE’S CRAZY!!!!!! I shouted just as her feet had started to walk toward him.

“AH MOU!!!!” Toshi gritted his teeth, as he knew she wasn’t listening and so he had no other choice but to throw his one and only source of protection towards the brown haired devil; his smirk grew darker and darker the closer Risa walked towards him.

Seeing Risa slowly walking towards him, he hadn’t noticed Toshi throw the black object towards him at immense speed. But just as his emerald eyes caught sight of the flying object suddenly, Okita found himself, but a hair-length, missing the flashlight Toshi had thrown.

With his grin turning into a scowl, he looked down to see the flashlight on the floor, Okita growled to see Toshi cursing on the other side of the garden, but just as the brown-haired devil was about to climb over the mass of bodies that had been knocked out from the speeding-flashlight but just before he sped off. Okita suddenly found himself out cold as a sake-bottle smacked him clean around the head.

“yea Souji-san!!!....he’s mine” Heisuke mumbled with a raised arm in the air.
Sano dropped Heisuke to the floor from the threat of him taking his pray.

“After i saved you... this is how you show your thanks?”
“Sano...-san????!!!! I...”

Seeing sano being drat acted with arguing with Heisuke, Toshi knew this was the only time for Risa to run for it.

“RISA!!!, GET IN THE HOUSE, NOW!!” Toshi shouted as Okita fell to the floor swearing “he was going to kill Toshi” as soon as he wakes up. Sano screamed as he ran towards Toshi. So Toshi started running again in the direction of Risa.

Risa on the other hand was going to run to see if Okita was ok, but suddenly random red eyes were now darting towards her, so she ran back towards the house. But as Okita vanished from sight and as i saw Risa running towards the house, It was then i looked up to also see Toshi had the same red glowing eyes, his face contorted; his brow furrowed in pain as he kept himself from falling into the abyss of happiness that was ochi-cola.

“Its ok, I’ll get you to the house, but take Risa and lock the door behind you!”,
He looked back at me with serious red eyes
“iee na!?!”
“What about you??!!”
“Don’t worry about me; I’m not about to fall to a bunch of bloodthirsty idiots”.

However Just as I was about to demand to stay outside; he threw me towards Risa,

I landed hard upon my feet by Risa as the gang of crazy red eyes dog piled upon Toshi in the center of the garden. I watched in horror as Heisuke and sano celebrated by dancing around the human mountain

“DON’T STAND THERE!! RUN!!!!! Toshi bellowed from underneath the mass of bodies
With adrenaline coursing threw our veins, i reacted on instinct as i grabbed Risa’s wrist As she stood distracted as she watched Okita laughing hysterically as; now awake; he too jumped on top of the dog pile on-top of Toshi

Detracted with watching Okita jumping up and down on the pile like a bouncy-castle, i Pulled her hard with me as we finally ran into the kitchen, smashing the glass door closed, our shaking fingers fumbling with the keys as Bright-red eyes started running frantically towards the door

“Risa, lock it, lock it lock it!!!!!!!!!!!”

Jut as they had there claw-like hands upon the handle; Risa turned the key and we ran immediately ran to the back of the kitchen as we saw a mass of faces, hug pillow and bright deep red eyes bobbing up and down laughing and clawing at the glass-door hysterically.

Gasping to regain our breath, all we wanted was to retrieve Toshi and Okita from the pile of bodies from the garden, but i was more concerned about saving Toshi from Okita as i shook my head to rid myself of the thought he really was going to kill Toshi for knocking him out.....

I sighed but I looked up with terror of the thought of going back out there; as the mass clawed at the door; their hysterical loud laughing echoing throughout the house......

“” i asked quietly
“Can we leave the kitchen now.........?”


Closing the heavy kitchen door behind us, with our backs against the white wood, we slumped to the carpet, still unable to cope with the realization of what was happening just outside.

“Ne.... risa?”
“Hai?”, she looked at me with a plastic cup of ochi-cola in her hand.
“Wh...why. why are you holding that.....?????”

She looked down at the glowing red punch as she softly swirled the eerie liquid in her hand.

“Memento?” she laughed uneasily as tears started streaming down her face.
“Okita will be ok... wont he......” risa’s eyes dropped sadly

I tried not to think about the fact Okita looked like he was actually enjoying being crazy.
So I looked at the front door before us instead as we sat on the floor in silence.

“Kazama said didn’t he.... that all it does is. make them faster... right...”

She sighed, putting the cup on the floor beside her as she hugged her knees.

“I guess.....but that doesn’t explain why they all looked at us like that blood thirsty panda on the dog food..”


“I know i shouldn’t say it..... but... do you think they're all dead.....?”
Risa looked up silently; looking to see the fluffy white clouds passing the blue sky

“Na Risa.” My eyes slowly widened
“Do you think the front door is locked..?
Her eyes widened
“Oh sh!!!”

Just as we scrambled to our feet to make a run for the door it burst open wide, the wood bashing the side of the wall with force as Okita stood there with saitou in one arm and a panda in the other as he threw them into the house


We screamed as Okita stood there grinning at us with blood thirty eyes.
“WHERE’S TOSHI??!!” i shouted as okita pulled out a dango to eat

“Ah, Hijikata-san? He’s dead!!”
My heart stopped

“Ah he’s dead! I killed him!” Okita smiled triumphantly with his red eyes beaming with delight; his hands on his hips looking smug.

I was just about to fall to my knees when the man in question came walking behind the brown-haired panda-devil, smacking him out cold with his flashlight in order to get into his own house.
“Move it Souji!!”

“KISama.......”, Okita fell to the floor as Toshi stepped over him and into the living room before us.
His deep red eyes penetrating our vision with a cocky smirk.
I blushed

“We’ve been had by Kazama...taku....” Toshi’s mood changed as he sat on the floor on top of saitou and panda.

Removing the colander from over his head, he sighed heavily like he’d just come in form a battle after killing a thousand people to relive himself of pent up stress.

“Not only do i feel a lot better now, but he made saitou, harada and Heisuke worse, think that yarou would manage to infect the entire guest list... including us.....” i saw toshi was tormented by being played with by the Ero-Dr from hell.

His fist tightened upon saitou’s soft black hair, causing him to yelp out.
“When i see him I’m gonna knock him out!”

He looked at me striking deep eyes, but i could no longer ignore one crucial thing I felt I had to ask him before he pulled all of saitou’s hair out

“Why are you dressed in a over-sized-Pink cat costume.......?”

“ah, Kore ka?”
“Ahh,!” toshi, for the past 3 days finally looked happy as he smiled deeply
“Totally-Coat......Buy a costume, get one free....”

I lifted an eyebrow in curiosity to Toshi’s choice of new image
“Whose wearing the other outfit.....”
Ah, he wanted to be a bride too......” toshi started to laugh, patting saitous head in amusement
“They even gave him a free veil and flowers considering Panda was already dressed up”

I was gonna ask where Heisuke was when Toshi’s eyes narrowed suddenly in seriousness; as if he was trying his best not to think about succumbing to the feeling of killing; so in order to distract himself as he put on his pink-cat head, he watched solemnly at the high sun from outside the open front door; screaming random people with glowing red eyes dispersing upon the streets of Kyoto from his back garden.

“One thing is for sure, we can’t stay here any longer, there’s still a lot of them in the garden and now thanks to Souji, my door is no longer on its hinges...”

Toshi shook his fist at the man in question while he purred like a grateful kitten from Risa’s lap as she slowly rubbed at the bump appearing on Okita’s head. Toshi was contemplating throwing his torch at him against as he saw Okita smirk from his comfortable position.

“Its the ochi-cola!” Toshi looked around
Somehow, I felt he was now using that as an excuse.

“We’re using Souji’s house!”. Toshi, resulted as he got up from saitou; offering his hand to me on the floor.
“It isn’t safe here, at least Souji is dead!”, i glared at him and he sighed
“At least the yarous unconscious..” he corrected himself with a sigh

Pulling me to my feet, i watched as Risa pulled up a half-awake panda-Okita as he held his spinning-head, all the time glaring silently at Toshi.

“Toshi, when you left, did you see where sano-san and Heisuke-san went to?”

“After sano bough Heisuke back to life, .. and after we went to totally-coat, they ran back to finish off the punch...” Toshi’s eye twitched within the cat-hood upon what he’d just said.

But no longer had he stopped talking, that Toshi got distracted with pulling out a can of pandas dog food from his plushed costume pocket.

Toshi looked at his pink-fur covered hands to realise they trembled.

“it wont be long before I’m running around crazy like them......” he sighed, completely oblivious to the fact, he was “already” one of them. As he watched as yet another gang of hysterical hippies sped past the door towards the river.....

“Lets head towards Souji’s before anything more gets ruined”

“I “knew” that he just didn’t want to have any more damage done to his house.”
But i couldn’t help but smile as I looked at the clock upon the clean white walls, it was 5pm. And it was time to make it to Okita’s before all hell broke lose.

With Okita now fully awake; he and Toshi, while trying to attack each other, dragged along panda and saitou who were still unconscious behind them by the feet.

Me and Risa balanced Toshi’s door back upon it hinged and so, with the bright spring sun lower in the sky, and the wind now blowing, we made our way out Okita’s.


I looked at my watch....
“Risa... how did a 20-minuet walk turn into four hours...?” Risa sighed against Okita as we finally reached his home....

“I honestly...don’t know.....”

“SOUJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-SAAAAAAAAAN Heisuke screamed as he sped towards us wearing a wedding dress, veil, bouquet and pen.

“Everyone!!!! in the house!!!!!!”

Throwing saitou and panda inside, everyone ran into the house, slamming the door, only to hear an almighty bang on the other side barely moments later.

Out of curiosity we cracked open the door slowly were we saw Heisuke on his back, missing a few teeth, but with a grin upon his face.

Sighing, everyone pushed close the door.
It was now 9pm and Toshi and Okita looked like they’d been in a fight with a troll holding a razor and lost... badly.

I sighed, to see Toshi and Okita had now started attack each other with Okita’s new kittens

Toshi looked at the tiny black kitten in his hands, he blushed as it nuzzled his finger

Okita looked at the ginger kitten in his, but unlike Toshi, Okita looked like he was about to eat it

“Haiiiii.....” risa gently took the kitten from Okita and placed it upon saitou’s corpse where it curled up and went to sleep.

Ne....souji... where “did” you get the kittens from? Risa asked honestly as she stroked the tiny bundle of ginger fur.

“Ah?” Okita scratched his head.
“I couldn’t resist them.....” Okita smiled warmly as he licked his lips.
Risa’s bloods went cold
Okita shook his head,
“Ah, i mean they came free with the dog-food!” he laughed
“Ahhh....that so??” Risa knew from the point on, that she was going to have to keep an eye on the tiny bundles of fur as okita refused to stop staring at them with wondering eyes.

“ne....What’s that Sano-tan...?Okita’s attention was suddenly torn away from his impending meal when he started talking to something hidden within his panda-costume
“ah, sou da na..... so shi you yo!!!”

Everyone turned to see Okita pulling out sano-tans jaw-less lipstick covered skull. looking like he was getting ready to knock Toshi out with it

“Souji..... where’s the rest of sano-tan?” i asked in curiosity in order to distract the brown-haired devil

“I gave him to Heisuke...”
On cue Heisuke screamed hysterically outside

We opened the door to see sano-tans headless-body on top of Heisuke
“Ta ta ta taasukete!!!!!!!”

Toshi shut the door. His hand still upon the handle
“Don..t... don’t come near me....” his hand covered his face, the cat-head flipped down as he tried to breath for more air; squeezing his eyes shut from the impulses of ochi-cola calling to him
“Toshi wh....?”

“Kura na!”
We stepped back as Toshi turned slowly, his hand slipped from his face as his glowing red eyes smiled at us.
“Risa take her and go!”
Without reacting she pulled me into the kitchen, as soon as the door shut all we could hear was hysterical laughing.
The ticking clock on the wall shown 10pm
Everything, was about to become .... incredibility weird before our very eyes,

Just as we were about to walk up the stairs Okita smashed through the walls with Toshi’s hysterically laughing, his eyes bouncing up and down as he held Okita’s black kitten in his hands


Toshi glared at me and grinned, laughing frenziedly as he put the kitten down, but instead of walking away, he grab for his flashlight and started chasing after us up the stairs

“Toshi!!!!!!!” We just managed to slam shut Okita’s bedroom door when Toshi smacked into from the other side,
“That sounded like it hurt....”, we both cringed as we heard him fall to the fall.

“Thank god it wasn’t Okita!”
“He would have smashed right through it!”
“You remember what he did to that manor don’t you!!!”
My eyes winded, we were in his house and..... doors were no obstacle..
“Risa, let's leave.”

“We can’t......”, she locked Okita’s door and went to the window to see outside

Sano was just outside the window, with a stick of bright red lipstick
His red eyes shining against the glass in contrast to the now-pitch black sky.

Unable to move she watched with fear as sano started writing on the window



“Eh?” I walked to see what sano and risa were doing.
“I think he’s trying to communicate”. We tilted our heads to the side in confusion

“Sano-san.... just leave ok, we wont do anything... just be nice and leave ok?”
He grinned
And unrolled the lipstick a little more as he started to eat some of pandas dog-food

“Emos uoy deef ot em tnaw, doof god thguob i”

“I don't get it”
“I think he’s writing backwards?”

Just as sano was about to write on the window again, a ginger kitten came flying towards sano, sano cried out with joy as he jumped off the balcony to catch the kitten in mid air. Risa ran to the window to see Okita waving up with a fork and knife as he looked at sano rolling around with the ginger kitten on the grass.

“He’s gonna eat it!!!! OKITA!!!!!” Risa opened the window and before she knew it Okita had jumped up to the balcony
“Ah! Got ya”
Risa screamed in fright as Okita knelt down his hand pushing open the window from outside

“Ne risa-chan”
Risa started walking back slowly towards me as i had my hand on the door handle.

My hand was shaking as i thought id rather be outside with crazy Toshi then crazy Okita, but he jumped from the window and started walking towards us with a can of dog-food in his hand

All of a sudden the phone rang
“ITS THE PHONE DA!!!!!” Okita screamed as he sped straight through his bedroom wall towards the loud ringing, Toshi screamed as Okita ran over him wearing golf shoes

I squinted as it shouted like it was rather painful
Despite the Okita-shaped-hole in the wall; we closed the door as we hear Toshi screaming as he thundered down the stairs after the phone

“You think they like loud noises?”
“I don’t know anymore.....”

Just when we heard the phone had stopped ringing after being answered; it was followed by Okita screaming down the phone with Toshi screaming that he wanted the phone to scream down and just when it couldn’t get any worse; we clamped our hands over our ears as sounds of Jpop on full blast as it thundered throughout the house..... Saitou was awake...

There was a banging on the front door, our ears strained past the screaming and the insistent Jpop, to hear the door creaking opened, followed by hysterical laughter and then hysterical screaming as Heisuke was now inside.

A part of me was glad that we were at Okita’s house, as Toshi knew this was going to happen, but my ears were starting to bleed from all the noise.

But suddenly all the screaming came to a climax with a collection of voices screaming DIE!!! in the living room below us and then..... silence..

Slowly our hands fell from ours pain-filled ears to hear nothing... absolutely nothing apart from the clock upon the wall.

After a few minuets, curiosity was starting to get the better of us and we slowly got up off the floor to walk slowly onto the pitch black landing, with Risa in front i looked over her shoulder as we slowly went down the stairs. Our hearts beating in our ears all of a sudden something black sped past the stairs, we almost fell back in shock, but straining our eyes, the tiny black image meowed at us. It was Okita’s kitten.

Picking up the tiny kitten, Risa held it close as we looked over the banister to try and look into the living room, but the door was half closed

“Risa, go and open it”
“You go and open it!”
“Argh, ok ok, we’ll BOTH open it! But you go first!”, i insisted as i pushed her gently towards the half open door.

With her hand upon the handle we both pulled open the door to see everyone in a pile on the floor in the living room.

They knocked each other out......

We both sighed in combined relief, who would have thought saitou’s big day would leave him out cold with his panda upside down against a wall.


It was now 2am and Risa was sat on Okita’s bedroom floor with Toshi’s harisen within her grasp. Her eyes weighing heavy from the weight of sleep tugging at her but she slapped her cheeks to stay awake as i sat sleeping by the window.

She was about to let the tiredness overcome her when all of a sudden she froze as she caught sight of a pair of red eyes staring at her deeply from upon the bed before her. She froze

“Ne.. risa-chan?”
He heart failed as Okita started crawling towards her slowly, his face slowly bobbing up and down along with his eyes shining bright

“Ne Okita, just go to sleep ok”
“Ah? But its still light out”

“No Okita, that’s just saitou and panda as they dance beneath a floodlight”, just as her eyesight went back to him, she saw Okita had disappeared from her view.
She looked around with panic, her eyes skirting from left to right looking for him.

Slowly getting up to a kneeling position for more height; she felt strong warm arms encircling her from behind

“OKITA!!!!!!! Nuuuuuuuu!!!!!”

Toshi burst in thought the door at Risa screaming, catapulting Okita and Risa forwards as she was still behind the door.

“Ahhw, now she’s dead!!”
“You lecherous drunken yarou”
“Ah? Less of the drunken! I was just hugging her... that’s all.”
They looked at Risa lying on her back
“Then why is she DEAD!!!”
“Shocked to see me?” okita laughed

I was roused to see Toshi and Okita standing before Risa trying to feed her pandas-dog food when i screamed, which caused Toshi and Okita to scream, which caused Heisuke and sano to scream.

And just as the phone started ringing again, everyone screamed

Called by the incessant ringing, Toshi and Okita sped out of the door, both trying to fit their over-sized novelty costumes through the door at the same time in order to get to the phone first.

As they left, i ran over to Risa to see she was out cold.
“Ah...risa!! they got you to?...”

Sitting next to her with a shoe in hand, i guarded her from the screaming that could be heard down stairs as they all fought to scream down the answered phone.

It was going to be a long, cold night.


It was the next day, and after a night full of screaming and fighting over the phone, Risa and me found ourselves succumbing to sitting upon Okita’s couch with heavy-tired black eyes.

My hand was shaking furiously as the red liquid was begging me to drink it. After last night, i knew i couldn’t take anymore, I wanted to be with Toshi, instead of running away from him.

“Don’t drink it, please god don’t leave me all alone!!!” With tears running down her cheeks; the last sane person in the house held onto my arm tight, her fingers pressing into my skin with slight pain from her grip,

I looked at her with pain, I was torn between my love and my only friend
“Gomen ne Risa..... but, i cant, i cant leave him all alone in pain!!!”

Toshi ran past straight past us with his shirt over his head as he started laughing hysterically to himself as he smashed directly into a wall.

“He’s in pain Risa, can’t you hear it?”

Risa was about to cry herself as the hysterical laughing all around her was starting to make her cry harder, but just as Okita smashed through the window covered in mud; I’d drunk the red liquid

“Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo” risa screamed as she fell off the couch holding her head, rocking back and forth, as I shot off in the direction of the kitchen giggling.

Just then the door burst opened as a police officer strolled in, pulling down his shades and holding up a ticket.
“I’m here for an Okita...something”

Risa, using the couch as support slowly got to her feet as Heisuke sped passed nearly tripping her up on his pillow,

She looked down to see Okita flat out on the floor covered in mud and smiling to himself

“Ah, he’s wanted for Driving under the influence of ochi-cola and sake”
“WHAT? Driving what?”
He looked down blankly at his notepad.
“A carousel horse”
That was it, she couldn’t take anymore

Heisuke was now spinning in circles on the wooden floor laughing hysterically to himself with his hug-pillow.

Toshi and i were fighting over a can of panda’s dog food as he sang haiku to everyone; saitou was dancing with panda covered in fairy-lights.

Sano, intoxicated; was rolling around with okitas ginger kitten on the front lawn.

And Okita, now wanted for arrest; was trying to crawl underneath the couch cushions after his black kitten.

The officer slipped down his sunglasses.

“He isn’t here!”, she smiled warily as the man in question screamed from beneath the fluffy cushions.

“The horse in question is on your front yard, want to explain how it got there?”

“Ah...ano....” Risa was starting to think of excuses when all of a sudden the phone rang

Just before Risa could scream, everyone appeared from nowhere and dive-bombed the poor phone,

The police officer looked stunned at the fistfight in the corner as they all took it in turns screaming down the phone.

“You might want to buy a gun and put your animals out of their misery....” he suggested as he slipped back his sunglasses.

“However, If you see this man...”, the officer handed her a speed-camera photo of Okita from behind driving the horse down Kyoto’s main high street.

“Contact me immediately, he ran over several people and is wanted for criminal damage over a shoe store.”

Risa laughed cautiously as Okita was now trying to pull his trapped-head from out under the couch.

“Ok!!!!!” she insisted as the officer refused to move. But giving up and holding his ears from the consent screaming, he left, taking away the carousel horse in the process. Risa sighed heavily at the relief of the officer leaving, and just a few moments later, Okita finally pulled his mud-covered face from out of the couch. Risa fell onto the floor behind him, him looking at her with a strange look as she took a cloth to his face.

“I’m going to the hospital...”
“Naze nano?”
Before answering, she wondered weather just buying a gun would be easier, but she sighed, firearms were not the answer

“To get you back to normal.....”
“Ummmm” okita smiled and went to sleep.

His tiny black kitten crawled out from under the couch cushions and Risa sighed, rubbing her fingers for him to come to her, as he curled upon Okita’s sleeping chest’ Risa stroked the kitten lovingly as well as rubbing at her throbbing forehead.

“Kazama.... “

“Ne risa....”
Risa had just put a blanket over Okita when Heisuke, holding Sano-tan 2 under his arm approached her fully dressed in a wedding with a can of Pandas-dog food in his hands

“What is it Heisuke?”
“Ano na....”
“You see..... i “
Risa lifted an eyebrow
Heisuke closed his eyes in embarrassment as he pushed forwards sano-tan’s head at her
Risa started to panic
“She wanted to say hi!”
“Ah..haaa, hello.... sano-tan”, she smiled weakly at the toothless lipstick covered skull.

“I realized i didn’t introduce her to you yesterday... you know.. with all the killing and all.....”

Risa started to back away a little as Heisuke started to grin rather wickedly
“Hai, Heisuke?”
“Your going somewhere aren’t you?”
“Ah... no I’m not...”
“Ah, you are, i can see you're backing towards the door”
Risa stopped as Heisuke knew she was about to make a run to the hospital.

Heisuke was closing the gap on her when her back hit the wall. Risa turned feeling the hard surface behind her; she gulped, her pulse started to rise when Heisuke was about to run at her when something grabbed at Heisuke’s feet.

“Ahahhh.... Heisuke!, WHAT do you think your doing???!!!” The tiny black kitten was now sat on Okita’s head licking itself.

Heisuke looked down through his wedding-veil to see Okita’s red-eyes glaring up at him.Just as Heisuke was looking away Risa made a bolt for the open door.

“ARIGATOU SOUJI!!!!!!!” She shouted as she ran out of the door towards Kazama’s hospital.

“RISA!!!!!!!!!! GET BACK HERE!!!!!!! WE’VE YET TO HUG YET!!!!!!!!!!” Putting the cat to the floor, Okita screamed as he sped out of the door fast-on her heals.

Sano immediately stopped rolling around with the tiny ginger kitten to see Okita laughing hysterically as he sped out of the open door past him.

Curiosity was getting the better of him as his ears twitched, putting the kitten back in the house, he called the others to find out what Okita had on him that was so tasty.

No more then five seconds later, nothing but screaming could be heard throughout Kyoto as everyone sped off towards Risa with blood thirty interest.

Posted by StarRisa | Jul 17, 2010 1:24 PM | Add a comment
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